The Bamboo Story

By | Life

(Extracted from by Shawn Lim)

Like all other plants and trees, the Chinese bamboo tree requires nurturing through water, fertile soil, and also with enough sunshine to ensure that it will grow.

If you try to plant a bamboo tree and you make sure you give it enough water, the right soil, and also enough exposure to sunlight, you will NEVER see any visible growth in the first year.

And if you continue to nurture the bamboo tree, after the second year, nothing will grow above the ground. And if you choose to continue on for the third and fourth year, you will see nothing too.

Finally, in the fifth year, something amazing will happen. The bamboo tree that you planted will grow to 80 feet tall in just six weeks!

Why is that so? For the first four years, nothing had happened, but in the fifth year, the bamboo tree grows to 80 feet tall in just a short six weeks.

Does this mean that within the first four years, nothing has happened to the tree? Nope, not at all, in fact, the bamboo tree is growing, UNDERGROUND, but you can’t see it.

The bamboo tree is a type of tree where it can grow super tall and because of its potential height, it requires a strong foundation of developing a root system to support its outward growth. If the bamboo did not grow its root for a strong foundation for the first few years, it can never sustain its future tall structural body.

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