People People are the most important assets in the company. It’s cliche but doesn’t make it untrue. As the African proverb goes, “If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” A business needs the best people to outcompete and grow.

Where would this company be without this individual?

(Excerpt from Monday Musings 6 Dec 2021 by David Perell) …what if pay is determined by asking: “Where would this company be without this individual?” The higher the number, the higher the pay should be — no...

People, Success Read More

Visionary leadership vs operational leadership

(Excerpt from The Vision Thing by Fred Wilson) … leadership comes in two flavors, visionary leadership and operational leadership. Founders are almost always visionaries (if they aren’t, run in the opposite...

Execution, People Read More

CEO builds the factory, not the product

(Excerpt from Lazy Leadership by Andrew Wilkinson) Henry Ford didn’t build cars, he built factories. To me, a great leader’s job is to build a machine that produces a product. It’s not about doing the work itself....

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Criticise generally and praise specifically

(Excerpt from The Almanack of Ravikant) If you have a criticism of someone, then don’t criticize the person—criticize the general approach or criticize the class of activities. If you have to praise somebody, then...

Ego, People Read More

The benefits of setting a world class standard

(Excerpt from 3 ideas, 2 quotes, 1 question (September 24, 2020) by James Clear) Architect Christopher Alexander on the importance of high standards: “In my life as an architect, I find that the single thing...

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Innovation includes changing corporate practices

(Excerpt from The Ride of a Lifetime by Robert Iger) These are all executives who have been trained for years to grow their own businesses and are compensated based on their profitability. Suddenly I was saying to...

People, Strategy Read More

Be honest and direct when firing people

(Excerpt from The Ride of a Lifetime by Robert Iger) FIRING PEOPLE, OR taking responsibility away from them, is arguably the most difficult thing you have to do as a boss. There have been several times when...

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Lead with optimism

(Excerpt from The Ride of a Lifetime by Robert Iger) Pessimism leads to paranoia, which leads to defensiveness, which leads to risk aversion. Optimism sets a different machine in motion. Especially in difficult...

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Be democratic or autocratic at appropriate times

(Excerpt from The Ride of a Lifetime by Robert Iger) It’s a tricky thing, moving people over to your side and enlisting their enthusiastic engagement. Sometimes it’s worth talking through their reservations and...

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Don’t let ambition distract you from the job at hand

(Excerpt from The Ride of a Lifetime by Robert Iger) I’ve been asked a lot over the years about the best way to nurture ambition—both one’s own and that of the people you manage. As a leader, you should want those...

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