Inversion “Invert, always invert,” Carl Jacobi said. Don’t just think forward, but also think backward. We follow the herd by default, even in the way we think. To think differently is unnatural and requires cognitive effort. Sometimes a new perspective dramatically emerged by inverting our thinking. But it doesn’t mean we should always be contrarian for the sake of being contrarian.

Keep losses small to tolerate poor accuracy

(Excerpt from Think & Trade Like a Champion by Mark Minervini) Most people are surprised when I tell them I would rather be able to maintain profitability at a 25 percent batting average than a 75 percent batting...

Inversion, Investing Read More

Win by not losing

(Excerpt from How to Live by Derek Sivers) For something to succeed, everything needs to go right. For something to fail, only one thing needs to go wrong. Don’t try to be more right. Just be less wrong. Avoiding...

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Overcome the pain to get what you want

(Excerpt from How to Live by Derek Sivers) Everything good comes from some kind of pain. Muscle fatigue makes you healthy and strong. The pain of practice leads to mastery. Difficult conversations save your...

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Be a star or a janitor, avoid the middle

(Excerpt from Be a star or a janitor by Yoni Rechtman) You should always strive to do the work either 1) no one else can do or 2) no one else wants to do. Be a star or a janitor.  As a janitor, you should...

Inversion, Success, Yin Yang Read More

Minimise our dumb tax to become richer

(Excerpt from The Road Less Stupid by Keith Cunningham) How much money would you have right now if I gave you the ability to unwind any three financial decisions you have ever made? Write that number down . . ....

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Insurance is an inverse freemium model

(Extracted from Business Model Generation by Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur) In the freemium model a small base of customers paying for a premium service subsidizes a large base of non-paying customers. The...

Inversion, Strategy Read More

You win by focusing on making fewer mistakes

(Excerpt from Extraordinary Tennis Ordinary Players by Simon Ramo) In expert tennis, about 80 per cent of the points are won; in amateur tennis, about 80 per cent of the points are lost. In other words, professional...

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You win by losing less

(Excerpt from University of Berkshire Hathaway by Daniel Pecaut and Corey Wrenn) He Charlie Munger claimed that his best ideas haven’t done better than others’ best ideas, but he’s lost less on his worst...

Fallibility, Inversion, Investing, Via Negativa Read More

You are more open to learning if you assume you are below-average

(Excerpt from Hell Yeah! or Hell No! By Sam Kyle) Ninety-six percent of cancer patients claim to be in better health than the average cancer patient. Ninety-four percent of professors say they are better-than-average...

Inversion, Overconfidence Bias Read More

Read books you enjoy and quit those you do not

(Extracted from Mark Manson’s Motherfucker Monday 13 Jan 2020) Most of us feel as though we should power through and finish 400 pages. This makes no sense. With one exception, we should all quit more books.  Our...

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