Yin Yang

Be a star or a janitor, avoid the middle

(Excerpt from Be a star or a janitor by Yoni Rechtman) You should always strive to do the work either 1) no one else can do or 2) no one else wants to do. Be a star or a janitor.  As a janitor, you should...

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Do something for love and something for money

(Excerpt from How do you do what you love and make money by Derek Sivers) First: balance. You’ve heard about balancing heart and mind, or right-brain left-brain, or whatever you want to call it. We all have a need for...

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Social media enables divided people to meet each other

I thought Twitter was driving us apart, but I’m slowly starting to think half of you always hated the other half but never knew it until Twitter. Michael Arrington, Founder of TechCrunch...

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Is It Better to Overestimate or Underestimate Yourself?

(Excerpt from Motherfucking Monday on 20 Jan 20 by Mark Manson) We all have a tendency to overestimate ourselves and our abilities and this often causes a lot of unnecessary pain. A huge part of self-awareness is the...

Ego, Life, Yin Yang Read More

Your practice has to be at a ‘just right’ level

(Excerpt from Atomic Habits by James Clear) The human brain loves a challenge, but only if it is within an optimal zone of difficulty. If you love tennis and try to play a serious match against a four-year-old, you...

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The Yin-Yang Balance of Status Quo and Innovation

(Excerpt from The Messy Middle by Scott Belsky) Typically, the type A “doers” on the team are the powerful antibodies that extinguish new ideas that put time lines and budgets at risk. In contrast, the wide-eyed...

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