
Success is about finding the best horse to ride

(Excerpt from Positioning by Al Ries and Jack Trout) The truth is, the road to fame and fortune is rarely found within yourself. The only sure way to success is to find yourself a horse to ride. It may be difficult for...

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Meritocracy is to identify the lucky ones

(Excerpt from Ben Bernanke’s speech at the Baccalaureate Ceremony at Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey) A meritocracy is a system in which the people who are the luckiest in terms of their health and...

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Win by not losing

(Excerpt from How to Live by Derek Sivers) For something to succeed, everything needs to go right. For something to fail, only one thing needs to go wrong. Don’t try to be more right. Just be less wrong. Avoiding...

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Shallow and deep happy

(Excerpt from How to Live by Derek Sivers) Shallow happy is having a donut.Deep happy is having a fit body. Shallow happy is what you want now.Deep happy is what you want most. Shallow happy serves the present.Deep...

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Choose good problems to solve

(Excerpt from How to Live by Derek Sivers) Since you can’t avoid problems, just find good problems. Happiness isn’t everlasting tranquility. Happiness is solving good problems....

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Overcome the pain to get what you want

(Excerpt from How to Live by Derek Sivers) Everything good comes from some kind of pain. Muscle fatigue makes you healthy and strong. The pain of practice leads to mastery. Difficult conversations save your...

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Evolution in learning

(Excerpt from The Almanack of Ravikant) The most important skill for getting rich is becoming a perpetual learner. You have to know how to learn anything you want to learn. The old model of making money is going to...

Learning, Success Read More

Career map vs unmapped career

(Excerpt from Monday Musings 6 Dec 2021 by David Perell) Every industry has a map. Not a literal map, but a cognitive one filled with different skills needed to make money and produce products. Because of this, building...

Strategy, Structure drives behaviour, Success Read More

Where would this company be without this individual?

(Excerpt from Monday Musings 6 Dec 2021 by David Perell) …what if pay is determined by asking: “Where would this company be without this individual?” The higher the number, the higher the pay should be — no...

People, Success Read More

Learn from success, not failure

(Excerpt from Rework by Jason Fried) Another common misconception: You need to learn from your mistakes. What do you really learn from mistakes? You might learn what not to do again, but how valuable is that? You still...

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