Marketing It is a mistake to think that you just need to build the best product and the customers will come. Unfortunately they will not. You need to build the best product and tell the whole world about it.

Every business has its critics and it is okay

(Excerpt from This is Marketing by Seth Godin) The critic who doesn’t like your work is correct. He doesn’t like your work. This cannot be argued with. The critic who says that no one else will like your work is...

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People want the drill bit, hole, shelf, or feelings

(Excerpt from This is Marketing by Seth Godin) Harvard marketing professor Theodore Levitt famously said, “People don’t want to buy a quarter-inch drill bit. They want a quarter-inch hole.” The lesson is that the...

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Write headlines depending on your readers’ awareness

(Excerpt from Breakthrough Advertising by Eugene Schwartz) If your prospect is aware of your product and has realized it can satisfy his desire, your headline starts with the product. If he is not aware of your product,...

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Share generously to be discoverable

(Extracted from Show Your Work by Austin Kleon) You don’t really find an audience for your work; they find you. But it’s not enough to be good. In order to be found, you have to be findable. I think there’s an...

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Branding should be a byproduct of direct marketing for small businesses

(Extracted from No B. S. Direct Marketing by Dan Kennedy) I am not opposed to brand-building. I am opposed to paying for brand-building. … Brand power can be acquired as a no-cost byproduct of profitable...

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Content should give value in three categories that consumers care about

(Extracted from Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook by Gary Vaynerchuk) Be generous. Be informative. Be funny. Be inspiring. Be all the characteristics we enjoy in other human beings. That’s what jabs are all about. Right hooks...

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Expand your lead generation from 3% to 40% by delaying sales

(Extracted from The 1-Page Marketing Plan by Allan Dib) Here’s the other big reason you want to avoid selling directly from your ad: at any given time (on average) about 3% of your target market is highly...

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Small businesses don’t have budget to do branding ads effectively

(Extracted from The 1-Page Marketing Plan by Allan Dib) … a major problem arises when small businesses try to imitate the big brands with this type of marketing. The few times they run their ads is like a drop in...

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Targeted marketing, don’t bombard

(Extracted from Growth Hacker Marketing by Ryan Holiday) They try to go everywhere and end up going nowhere. What’s the point? Most of those people never become your customers. Growth hackers resist this...

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Growth hacking starts from product market fit

(Extracted from Growth Hacker Marketing by Ryan Holiday) You know what the single worst marketing decision you can make is? Starting with a product nobody wants or nobody needs. … products—even whole businesses...

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