Electric vehicles have been around for more than 140 years

It should be obvious to many that Electric Vehicles (EVs) are the future. But you might find it surprising that EVs are actually older than gasoline cars. The first EV was built in 1881 by Gustave Trové. The first...

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The wheel of fortune in investing

There is no one strategy that always outperforms. Be it growth, value or any other strategies you have used or have heard of, do not outperform all the time. Growth has done very well for a handful of years, probably...

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Buy low sell high vs buy high sell higher vs buy and hold

We don’t trade the markets, we trade our beliefs about the markets. A good quote from Van Tharp. It is very true as we know there are many different investing or trading strategies out there. Some believe buying...

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Do you focus on returns or risks?

Returns-focused + High Interest. This is the group of investors who are lured by the promise of life-changing returns in the markets (it could be any market – stocks, options, cryptos). They don’t mind...

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Ukrainians proved the ultimate utility of cryptocurrency

1. Crypto crashed during inflation and in anticipation of rising interest rate. People lost confidence that crypto could be an inflation hedge. 2. But crypto proved to have a crucial use for Ukrainians to receive...

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What long term investing is NOT

One group of investors knowingly don’t bother to invest long term because they think it is too slow. The second group think that they are investing long term but they are actually not. I’ll label the former...

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Lindy stocks for long-term investing

Mental models are sexy (for some people) but it can be challenging to apply them in our lives. It happens to me too and the clarity only come after some time – usually through certain situations whereby the mental...

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Why pick stocks when you can buy ETFs

Data has shown that most investors (professional or not) do not beat the market and it also means that the simple act of buying an index ETF would do better than majority of the investors. Why then, we still have many...

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I forgot how to dream

I have been a manager all these years when all along I thought I was a leader. The realisation came when I discovered I lacked vision. As Michael Hyatt said in his book, The Vision Driven Leader, spelt out the...

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10 Maxims on How to Live

We are about to go into 2022 and I thought sharing some of these nuggets of wisdom from Derek Sivers can inspire you to live a great year ahead. 1. If it’s not important, never do it. If it’s important, do it every...

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