Naval Ravikant Tag Archive

Evolution in learning

(Excerpt from The Almanack of Ravikant) The most important skill for getting rich is becoming a perpetual learner. You have to know how to learn anything you want to learn. The old model of making money is going to...

Learning, Success Read More

Classic books have been filtered by millions

(Excerpt from The Almanack of Ravikant) Any book that survived for two thousand years has been filtered through many people. The general principles are more likely to be correct. I wanted to get back into reading these...

Lindy Effect Read More

Criticise generally and praise specifically

(Excerpt from The Almanack of Ravikant) If you have a criticism of someone, then don’t criticize the person—criticize the general approach or criticize the class of activities. If you have to praise somebody, then...

Ego, People Read More

We see the world the way we want it to be

(Excerpt from The Almanack of Ravikant) The number one thing clouding us from being able to see reality is we have preconceived notions of the way it should be. One definition of a moment of suffering is “the moment...

Confirmation Bias, Ego Read More

Make money first and learn to be happy later

(Excerpt from The Almanack of Ravikant) Money buys you freedom in the material world. It’s not going to make you happy, it’s not going to solve your health problems, it’s not going to make your family great,...

Life, Success Read More

What is karma? A non-religious definition

(Excerpt from The Almanack of Ravikant) Karma is just you, repeating your patterns, virtues, and flaws until you finally get what you deserve....

Morals Read More

Good reputation brings you deals

(Excerpt from The Almanack of Ravikant) If you are a trusted, reliable, high-integrity, long-term-thinking dealmaker, when other people want to do deals but don’t know how to do them in a trustworthy manner with...

Morals Read More

Reputation has compounding effect

(Excerpt from The Almanack of Ravikant) If you have a sterling reputation and you keep building it for decades upon decades, people will notice. Your reputation will literally end up being thousands or tens of...

Morals, Nonlinearity Read More

Be good and be patient. You eventually attract what you project

(Excerpt from The Almanack of Ravikant) Figure out what you’re good at, and start helping other people with it. Give it away. Pay it forward. Karma works because people are consistent. On a long enough timescale, you...

Luck, Morals Read More

Money is a means to freedom and there are 3 ways to achieve it

(Excerpt from The Almanack of Ravikant) I learned how to make money because it was a necessity. After it stopped being a necessity, I stopped caring about it. At least for me, work was a means to an end. Making money...

Life, Success Read More