Hiring Tag Archive

Raise the average with the next hire

(Excerpt from The Star Principle by Richard Koch) Hire to raise the average. Ideally, each new recruit should be in the top 10 per cent of existing employees. That way the firm will constantly get better and better....

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Make do with the people you have initially but clear out mediocre employees as you grow

(Excerpt from Whatever It Takes by Stephen Schwarzman) Even when you are small, though, and your resources most constrained, finding the right people is the most important thing you can do. You typically won’t have...

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Keep staffing lean and important work gets done

(Extracted from Double Your Profits: In Six Months Or Less by Bob Fifer) When part of my (or a client’s) organization asks for another person, I say no. When they ask again, I say no. When they ask a third time, I...

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The airport test

(Extracted from Whatever It Takes by Stephen Schwarzman) When I interview people for Blackstone, I’m looking to understand whether an individual will fit our culture. At a minimum, this includes the airport test:...

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Attract talents based on mission and the team to work with, not perks

(Extracted from Zero to One by Peter Thiel) Talented people don’t need to work for you; they have plenty of options. You should ask yourself a more pointed version of the question: Why would someone join your...

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Hire people who like each other

(Extracted from Zero to One by Peter Thiel) They spent all day together, but few of them seemed to have much to say to each other outside the office. Why work with a group of people who don’t even like each...

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Always be hiring

(Extracted from a smart bear by Jason Cohen) The rule of thumb is that it takes 3-6 months to hire a really good person. Why so long? Good people are rare, so it takes a while to dig them up. Like truffles. Or...

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Hire people who are better than you in every position

(Extracted from a smart bear by Jason Cohen) Introspective young founders appreciate this, and often the stated solution is “delegation,” as defined by: I’ll do it myself, then I’ll understand it,...

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