Behaviour Tag Archive

Disney Imagineers focus on fixing confusions

(Extracted from No B. S. Direct Marketing by Dan Kennedy) one of the Disney Imagineers we met was in charge of “fixing confusion.” At any spot in any of the parks where there was a noticeable slowing of movement...

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Cultural programming

(Extracted from Atomic Habits by James Clear) We don’t choose our earliest habits, we imitate them. We follow the script handed down by our friends and family, our church or school, our local community and...

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Behavior is a function of the Person in their Environment

(Extracted from Atomic Habits by James Clear) People often choose products not because of what they are, but because of where they are. If I walk into the kitchen and see a plate of cookies on the counter, I’ll...

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You eat according to how the buffet is organised

(Extracted from Barking Up the Wrong Tree by Eric Barker) If you go to a buffet and the buffet is organized in one way, you will eat one thing. If it’s organized in a different way, you’ll eat different things....

Structure drives behaviour Read More